Listen to the newest breaking indie music on your computer. Radio Sydney is Sydney's largest radio station! We have more music and less talk than any other radio service around. We have music for every taste with an ever growing number of channels of every type and genre of music you can think of, all the time, all free.
We can offer bands, labels or solo acts their own feature
promotional channel on The Australian Digital Radio
Network for a lot less than you might think (try and
get that on other Radio Stations!). Whilst the
mainstream channels on our service can be
supported with advertising, because you’re still
unknown there’s no way for us to offer the service
completely for free. However, for payment of a one
off setup fee and an ongoing monthly bandwidth
charge you can bring your unsigned talent to all
Australia on our platform. Because anyone can buy
any song going to air on any channel at any time
with the ‘Buy’ button, you have the potential
to also sell songs and have the money deposited
straight into your bank account.

We offer two prices: either we can place the
channel on the entire Australian Digital Radio
Network (Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra, Hobart,
Adelaide, Perth, Darwin, Brisbane) or just on the
Stations of your choice. Please email one of our
sales rep’s to discuss your needs and pricing.

Please note you must waive royalties of any type in respect
of the channel airplay, to use this promotional service. Its
pointless us asking you to contribute to the costs of running
your channel and you then expecting to receive the money
back in royalties - we would just end up paying the total
Indie Artists Get Your Own Feature
Channel Just For Your Band Here!